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Eky Patty


Start Price

Rp 100.000

Operate in

Kota Jakarta Selatan

Sudah melatih sekitar 7 tahun, dan bisa mengajar Gymnastic, parkour, strenght training dan calisthenic Sertifikasi : • calisthenic specialist by APKI • national physical trainer Lv2 by LANKOR • Australian strenght and training association lv 1

Expertise in

Coach Parkour

Instructor Calisthenics

Calisthenics is a form of physical training focused on mastering your own bodyweight. The movements include pulling, lunging, pushing, and lifting without using any equipments. The word 'Calisthenics' comes from the Greek, Kalos and Sthenos meaning ‘Beauty’ and ‘Strength’.

Eky Patty is available for

Group Session

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